
Life Priorities Portforlio Rebalancing Template

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Life Priorities Portforlio Rebalancing Template


This is a template to conduct an audit of your Life priorities as a portfolio for rebalancing, using the premise from the Harvard Business Review Life Portfolio.

Do you spend your time on the things that are important to you? If not, time to rebalance.

Embark on a reflective journey to align your values to what you spend your time doing.

STEP ONE: Evalutation

> Copy this Google sheet+form template

>Take the form questionnaire:

How do you value each priority in your life? Score them on a scale from 0 to 10, reflecting their significance to you. Simultaneously, gauge the joy and fulfilment each brings, rating your satisfaction on the same scale. This exercise layers introspection and personal evaluation.

STEP TWO: Analysis

Now, craft your unique Strategic Life Portfolio—a grid where life meets strategy. Represent each priority as a bubble on this grid, its size echoing the proportion of your weekly time it consumes.

In the upper left quadrant, you'll discover priorities that matter deeply yet yield little satisfaction. These are your urgent focus areas—valued assets that aren't receiving the attention they deserve.

On the top right, celebrate and maintain your high-value, high-satisfaction activities.

Be mindful to invest less in those that fall into the lower quadrants.

STEP THREE: Strategy

Finally, step back and contemplate your entire Strategic Life Portfolio. Does this alignment propel you towards your ultimate purpose and vision?

Is it a stepping stone towards your definition of a fulfilling life?

Think of it as strategizing in a corporate setting: Set broad, overarching priorities for investing your time, energy, and resources, rather than detailed, rigid plans. Reflect, reassess, and realign, steering your portfolio towards better balance.

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A simple but strategic template for a google sheet, google form to conduct regular Life Portfolio Balancing

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